Have you heard of Kari's Law regarding 911?
Click here for more information
A day in the life of a Hotel Telephone staring the Teledex E-Series from Cetis!
*~*Buy 50 or more phones of one model and get a Package including these FREE amenities:
~FREE Faceplates
~FREE Faceplate Mounting on the phones
~FREE Room Number Printing on Faceplates
~FREE Programming of your speed dial buttons (if you have them)
~FREE Ground Shipping (48 States only)
The below phone series by Cetis have been discontinued:
- 2700/2702 series phones
- 2800/2802 series phones
- 3000/3002 series phones
- Aegis -09 series phones
- Aegis -00 series phones
If you are interested in ordering 50 or more phones at one time, we can upgrade you to a NEW PHONE where you would get FREE FACEPLATES along with other FREE ammenities. Call us for more information if you are interested in upgrading your phones!*****
Buy Efficient Purchasing Program
Ridgeway Communications is an official supplier of the Buy Efficient Purchasing Program. If you are already a Buy Efficient customer, you may purchase our products directly through their website. Using your customer login, you can find out catalog of products listed on the Buy Efficient Website.
- Go to - www.ibuyefficient.com
- Enter your Login ID and Password
- Click E-Catalogs on the left
- Click BE National Catalog
- Click Ridgeway Communications to browse our catalog